Monday, January 11, 2010

Literally minutes after I diss Maureen Dowd

I see this poll:
Nearly two-thirds of people questioned in the poll say they have a moderate or great deal of confidence in the administration to protect the public from future terrorist attacks, up 2 points from August. Thirty-five percent say they have not much or no confidence at all, down 1 point from August.
I've become firmly convinced that hardly anybody in the media has a read on the actual center of public opinion. This isn't to say that there isn't some segment of the public that agrees with Dowd, but it's certainly not a majority of the country.

We hear a lot of talk these days about the changing media landscape but, truthfully, I think that what's really happening is that the media has gotten so disconnected from the public that most people don't even bother. It doesn't speak to them. If the national news media wants to have any future, they're going to have to figure out how to reconnect with the American public. Dumping useless blowhards like Dowd in favor of people who actually can understand what the public is thinking might help. At this point, though, I'm not sure that anybody but Barack Obama actually has a clue in terms of what the public wants to see from their leaders.

The Man, The Myth, The Bio

East Bay, California, United States
Problem: I have lots of opinions on politics and culture that I need to vent. If I do not do this I will wind up muttering to myself, and that's only like one or two steps away from being a hobo. Solution: I write two blogs. A political blog that has some evident sympathies (pro-Obama, mostly liberal though I dissent on some issues, like guns and trade) and a culture blog that does, well, cultural essays in a more long-form manner. My particular thing is taking overrated things (movies, mostly, but other things too) down a peg and putting underrated things up a peg. I'm sort of the court of last resort, and I tend to focus on more obscure cultural phenomena.