Thursday, April 17, 2008

McCain is oblivious

We all know he has no idea when it comes to economics, but I find it interesting that he's promising to veto any bill with earmarks attached. Does he want to have a tortured relationship with Congress right off the bat? I've heard Barack Obama compared to Jimmy Carter before, but McCain is looking to be more in that castrated-by-congress tradition than Obama with this comment. From what I've read, McCain is not exactly a favorite among his fellow senators, and it is interesting that McCain's fiscal conservatism excludes huge tax cuts for the wealthy, the costs of massive foreign wars, which will cost trillions all told. But for God's sake, someone's building a bridge in Alaska for a hundred million dollars! This aggression cannot stand! DO NOT WANT. Then again, since endless war is a philosophical first principle with John McCain, I'm sure he doesn't see that money as wasted, but rather invested in the glory of American military might, the purgative that makes everything better in McCain's world.

I find it fascinating that, at this point in history, with all the terrible stuff going on in the world, John McCain seems to think that the $18 billion spent on earmarks (compared to hundreds of billions spent on the Iraq War, for example) is the biggest problem America faces. He brings it up all the fucking time. And people say Barack Obama is out of touch?

The Man, The Myth, The Bio

East Bay, California, United States
Problem: I have lots of opinions on politics and culture that I need to vent. If I do not do this I will wind up muttering to myself, and that's only like one or two steps away from being a hobo. Solution: I write two blogs. A political blog that has some evident sympathies (pro-Obama, mostly liberal though I dissent on some issues, like guns and trade) and a culture blog that does, well, cultural essays in a more long-form manner. My particular thing is taking overrated things (movies, mostly, but other things too) down a peg and putting underrated things up a peg. I'm sort of the court of last resort, and I tend to focus on more obscure cultural phenomena.